Low Carbon Design Institute Residency 2021
‘Thinking-with nighttime’
The Low Carbon Institute is an institution in the making and a prototype of a future brick and mortar space where anyone creative can find out more about climate change. In 2021, I was selected to take part in this group residency, with a programme of talks and sessions organised by LoCDI founder Alex Deschamps Sonsino. Artists, researchers and designers developed their own projects and research during the 4-week period. During this time I extended my research in darkness and ALAN (artificial light at night) by spending time walking out after dusk and before dawn locally, documenting the experience and relating this to local policy around lighting. As an outcome I developed a set of working principles that I would use ongoing in research.
Read my short essay here or below: https://lowcarbondesigninstitute.org/2021-rebecca-huxley/